You attempted to access a category that has expired and is no longer available.

Open submissions are welcome from 1 January through 1 September. The themed submissions will run for 5 months before closing. Check back for other themed issues throughout the year. 

Please follow specific genre guidelines when formatting and uploading your submission and limit your cover letter to 150 words or less. Full guidelines can be accessed by clicking on the plus sign located at the top right of each genre category listed below. 

Although we do accept simultaneous submissions, we do not accept work that has been previously published either in print or online.

If work is accepted for publication, Interim obtains First North American Serial Rights and, for the period of one year, Electronic Rights. After that time, copyright reverts to the author. Writers whose work appears in the annual print volume will receive one free contributor copy of that volume and will receive a discount on any additional copies ordered.

You will see that we're now charging a reading fee for all submissions. This has become a necessity to help defray the costs of our expanding publishing operations, which include producing our quarterly online issues and the annual print volume of the journal, hosting live and online events, and developing and launching the many new projects we're working on across content platforms.

We appreciate your continued interest and support and look forward to spending time with your work.


Interim is seeking work that explores the feeling of being unwanted in a social or a physical space. We want to hear speakers, narrators, and characters whose existence inconveniences, annoys, burdens, disturbs, and/or disrupts the structures they live in. Have you ever felt that the world does not want you to exist? We want to feel what it means to be a clog in the machine with or without intention. We are particularly interested in the emotional aspect of being unwanted in social, cultural, political, and economic structures in the US and around the world. We also welcome work that focuses on the importance of “the unwanted” in the larger context of historical and societal change.  


Genre-Specific Submission Guidelines: 

Prose: one story or essay up to 5000 words

Poetry: 3-6 pages, all in the same document

Visual Art: up to 3 pieces, all in the same document

Translations: please include the original version of the text alongside your translation, along with permissions whenever relevant.


From the pastoral elegy, to the ecopoetics of the Anthropocene, writers from all times and places have been concerned with their relationship to the earth—and vice versa. This call seeks work which engages the natural world as dynamic; which incorporates the earth’s relationship to us, or to itself; which looks through Spinoza's lens of Natura Naturans, or “nature naturing.” In other words, we are hoping to see poems, prose and art that attempt to establish a dialogue with nature rather than merely talking to the natural world. 

Genre Guidelines

For prose, please submit one story or essay. Our ideal length is 2000 to 5000 words. 

For poetry, please send three to six pages, all in the same document. 

For visual art, up to three pieces in the same file. 

For translations, please include the original version of the text alongside your translation, along with permissions whenever relevant.


Choose from one of our award-winning poetry collections. We are always striving to publish manuscripts that engage the perilous conditions of life in the 21st century, as they pertain to issues of social justice and the earth. The winning books demonstrate an ethos that considers the human condition in inclusive love and sympathy, while offering the same in consideration of the earth. 


Purchase any of our back issues for $15! 

If you appreciate the work we regularly bring you in print, online, and across social media platforms, we encourage you to support us in our efforts. Your donation will help sustain the journal and will allow us to achieve several of our long-term goals, including building an online archive of all extant issues and creating a series of programming centered on contemporary poetry and poetics.

If you'd like to give on an annual basis, please email us at, and we'll be in touch with details about our giving tiers and benefits. Thank you.

Please note: This category is for donations only. Any work submitted will be deleted unread. Thank you.


In your cover letter, please include the name of the editor who invited you to send work, which category that work falls under (Poetry, Poetry Hybrid Form, Essay, etc.), and when that work was solicited. 

Fees are waived for solicited work. 

In solidarity, 

Claudia Keelan


Interim: A Journal of Poetry & Poetics